I anthropomorphise construction objects to explore labour divisions within class and gender. I create construction works with materials symbolic to traditional views of womanhood, and place these indications of construction objects in the setting of a white walled gallery space. The latter fetishises working class labour, by contrasting what is usually a working class job in the context of a middle/upper class work setting, without any working class involvement in this process.
Good construction goes unnoticed, you only start to notice the pipes once one starts to leak. This parallels with the often unappreciated, unpaid domestic work. In my work I merge these two unappreciated, gendered, private and public roles/jobs together, ie, bricklaying with lard and cement. Furthermore, I make my construction objects dysfunctional through the feminised materials used; soft and submissive materials to indicate hard, tough construction objects. Doing this makes my objects dysfunctional, and therefore heard.
In their dysfunctionality, a greater value is placed on its aesthetic- much like notions of female objectivity within broader society and popular culture.
If good construction goes unnoticed- expected but not acknowledged- then so do good
constructors. To make a dysfunctional construction it must be made by or represent a dysfunctional constructor- one unskilled, and therefore heard.
Professional CV
Visiting Tutor, Chelsea College of Art
Curator and Owner of The Cardboard Box Gallery
Presented work in The Guardian
Currently undergoing a MAFA at Chelsea College of Art
Currently undergoing a Plumbing Degree at CONEL
Falmouth, BA (Hons) Fine Art, 2015-2018
Volunteer Curator at ‘The Poly’ Gallery, Falmouth 2018
Dec 2020
'The End', Solo Show at 'The Cardboard Box Gallery', London
October 2020
'Curtain Call', The Shop Front Gallery, London
May 2020
The Cardboard Box Gallery, London
April 2020
Solo Exhibition, Advertisement Board in London
December 2019
Triangle Gallery, Chelsea, London
December 2019
Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Art
Nov 2019
A to B Gallery, Camberwell College of Art
May 2019
Leydon Gallery, ‘Platform for Emerging Artists 22’- London
April 2019
FaveLabs, ‘In-between’ Solo Exhibition- Athens, Greece
NES Artist Exhibition- Skagastrond, Iceland
BA Fine Art Degree show- Falmouth University
NES artist residency in Iceland, Skagastrond Nov-Dec 30th